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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Doug's Domain

Doug Vetter, ATP/CFI

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Doug's Miscellaneous Aviation Articles

(Image: Catskills Mountains, Winter 2002)
The Catskills Mountains
from the perspective of the Hudson Valley, NY, Winter 2002

Sometimes I write about things that don't fit in any of the other sections. Check out my grab-bag of articles!

My Journey To The Airlines Part 4: Upgrade to Captain This is the fourth and possibly the final installment in a series of articles describing my transition to an airline career. I can't help but mention the disaster of 2020 but the focus here is on the challenging process to upgrade from First Officer to Captain.
My Journey To The Airlines Part 3: Proficiency Check This is the third installment in a series of articles describing my budding airline career. This time I talk about the proficiency check, PBS bidding, packing food for airline trips, hotels, winter operations, and my first declared emergency.
My Journey To The Airlines Part 2: One Year On Property This is a followup to my prior article about my journey to the airlines covering initial operating experience, reserve, and getting a line. Written after one year at my company (a.k.a "on property").
My Journey To The Airlines After decades of flying both personally and professionally I finally decided to apply for a job at a regional airline. If you're thinking of becoming an airline pilot I think you'll find this helpful.
Tailwheel Flight Review Tired of the usual flight review I decided to spice things up a bit and do it in a tailwheel airplane, and not just any tailwheel: a Cubcrafters Top Cub.
ATP Certificate A dream 19 years in the making, read what I went through to obtain my ATP certificate in October of 2005.
Diver Driver Funny how life works. Little did I know when I started skydiving a year ago I'd soon be helping others experience the rush of freefall. Read the article describing my first experiences as a jump pilot, a.k.a. "diver driver".
Crew Procedures I've been flying in a crew environment for hundreds of hours, so I figured I'd finally put into writing the science I've made of our C172 aircraft operations. This is more of a reference document than a traditional article, but I think you'll find it an easy read. As always, if you have comments or questions about this, feel free to contact me.
Skydive! And now for something completely different. After flying airplanes for more than 15 years, I decided to jump out of one. This is the story of my first tandem skydiving experience. Strap on your chute and check it out!
ATP MEI Program In June of 2002 I took a five day Multi-Engine Instructor (MEI) course at ATP, Inc. Here's the full account of that adventure.