Doug's Miscellaneous Aviation Articles

The Catskills Mountains
from the perspective of the Hudson Valley, NY, Winter 2002
Sometimes I write about things that don't fit in any of the other sections. Check out my grab-bag of articles!
My Journey To The Airlines Part 4: Upgrade to Captain | This is the fourth and possibly the final installment in a series of articles describing my transition to an airline career. I can't help but mention the disaster of 2020 but the focus here is on the challenging process to upgrade from First Officer to Captain. |
My Journey To The Airlines Part 3: Proficiency Check | This is the third installment in a series of articles describing my budding airline career. This time I talk about the proficiency check, PBS bidding, packing food for airline trips, hotels, winter operations, and my first declared emergency. |
My Journey To The Airlines Part 2: One Year On Property | This is a followup to my prior article about my journey to the airlines covering initial operating experience, reserve, and getting a line. Written after one year at my company (a.k.a "on property"). |
My Journey To The Airlines | After decades of flying both personally and professionally I finally decided to apply for a job at a regional airline. If you're thinking of becoming an airline pilot I think you'll find this helpful. |
Tailwheel Flight Review | Tired of the usual flight review I decided to spice things up a bit and do it in a tailwheel airplane, and not just any tailwheel: a Cubcrafters Top Cub. |
ATP Certificate | A dream 19 years in the making, read what I went through to obtain my ATP certificate in October of 2005. |
Diver Driver | Funny how life works. Little did I know when I started skydiving a year ago I'd soon be helping others experience the rush of freefall. Read the article describing my first experiences as a jump pilot, a.k.a. "diver driver". |
Crew Procedures | I've been flying in a crew environment for hundreds of hours, so I figured I'd finally put into writing the science I've made of our C172 aircraft operations. This is more of a reference document than a traditional article, but I think you'll find it an easy read. As always, if you have comments or questions about this, feel free to contact me. |
Skydive! | And now for something completely different. After flying airplanes for more than 15 years, I decided to jump out of one. This is the story of my first tandem skydiving experience. Strap on your chute and check it out! |
ATP MEI Program | In June of 2002 I took a five day Multi-Engine Instructor (MEI) course at ATP, Inc. Here's the full account of that adventure. |