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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Doug's Domain

Doug Vetter, ATP/CFI

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Doug's Aviation Checklists and Forms


The files below are provided with no support or warranty. Checklists may vary substantially in form or function from the official data. You assume all risk or liability that results from their use.

File Listing

Some files are now provided in OpenDocument format and the remainder will follow as I update them. Word versions of these documents are no longer available so please do not ask for them. Instead, download and install a copy of LibreOffice and free yourself from the Microsoft monopoly.

Cessna 172S Checklist Suite


This is a collection of preflight, normal, abnormal, and emergency checklists for the Cessna 172S adapted from the POH printed in 2000.

Some procedures have been modified as compared to the POH to align with the flows in the airplane. Briefing elements have also been added.

Designed for an US Letter page in portrait mode. The output is intended to be printed in color, duplex format and then trimmed and laminated.

Assembly Note: 5 mil laminations over 100lb bond (roughly the thickness of the material used for manilla folders) will produce an ideal and cost-effective finished product.

Last Updated 5-03-2018
Aircraft Flight Record Records your daily flight specifics including tach and hobbs time, fuel, and oil consumption. Great for tracking where your aircraft has been and the costs associated with each flight.

Designed for a US Letter page printed in landscape mode.

OpenDocument Format
Last Updated 01-27-2008
Aircraft Squawk Form A form used to track maintenance discrepancies (squawks) on an airplane. Consists of a top-down picture of a typical high-wing Cessna on which you can circle the affected area and an textual area to record the details of the squawk.

Designed for a US Letter page printed in portrait mode.

OpenDocument Format
Last Updated 01-27-2008
Aircraft Inspection Summary Shows your aircraft inspection requirements at a glance. Great for people that own their aircraft with partners or who simply want to ensure that their aircraft meets Title 14 CFR inspection requirements during each and every preflight without having to look at the original aircraft logbooks.

Designed for a US Letter page printed in portrait mode.

OpenDocument Format
Last Updated 01-27-2008
IFR VOR Check Log Satisfies the Title 14 CFR Part 91 requirements for VOR receiver checks for IFR flight.

Designed for an US Letter page printed in portrait mode.

OpenDocument Format
Last Updated 01-27-2008
Aircraft Weight and Balance Worksheet This is a basic weight and balance form that I mate with copies of my aircraft's loading graphs to provide an easy way to satisfy this preflight chore.

Designed for an US Letter page in portrait mode.

OpenDocument Format
Last Updated 01-27-2008
Beechcraft BE58 Normal Procedures Checklists This may contain errors or omissions and is NOT for use in real aircraft. Great for Flight Simulator users!

Designed for a US Letter page in portrait mode.

Adobe Acrobat Format
Last Updated 06-01-2002
Piper Arrow IV Checklist Suite

PA28R Preflight Procedures

PA28R Normal Procedures

PA28R Emergency Procedures


This is an old checklist suite I developed for the Piper Arrow IV during my CFI training. It's not as good looking or well organized as my current checklists, but it's closely based on the POH and has been updated based on real-world experience.

Designed for US Letter page in landscape mode. The resulting output can be folded in half and placed in a chart protector.

Microsoft Word 2002 Format
New 03-08-2003